Yesterday, with the combination of Mary's cleaning and a whole hour visit from S & K, I was left in shambles this morning. Still, I felt the only thing that would cure my nausea and malaise would be to work on dolls so I emailed H. calling off our visit and stocked up on pills. For the past two days, in odd moments I had tried to rewind the bobbin on the new machine and created big tangled messes of thread. I was really thinking maybe I had made a wrong decision to get the new machine and should have just been more patient to wait to get the old Singer fixed. Today I did, to my surprise, find the complete instructions and was slow enough to follow them step by step. To my delight I was able to get the bobbin wound perfectly without a mishap. Wow, what a difference following instructions makes. The universe does want me to make baby bodies! In all my screwing around with the bobbin I had dislodged the thread to the needle so I had to again, with one finger, follow the instructions to redo it. Normally I use one spool of thread for bobbin winding and the other spool I can leave in place in the needle. Today I was able to re-thread the needle and everything worked; the machine sewed beautifully. As I sewed body after body, thankfully I had cut out the exact three sizes I needed for this crew, my soul recovered and by the time there was a knock on the door, I was together enough for a visit, I think. I still need to make the arm and leg caps for Kaydance, but the other two bodies are ready to be assembled. The morning's downpour got all the water out of it's system and by afternoon the sun was shining outdoors and in my soul. My first job in the morning is to get Sleepy Sam into her box so WR can take her to the post office.
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