I had my morning all planned. I was to put Sleepy Sam into her box and get it on its way to Petaluma, but first I always do my email ~ while my brain is fresh and ready to work. S had changed her choice of babies and had picked another Samantha. I was overjoyed as I felt she now had the better Samantha. This one has softer skin and body and is more huggable. Also, instead of tucking a baby into a box I had the joy of holding her in my lap to check her out. It was good that I did that as her toes tucked into a sleeper covered up the fact I had forgotten to apply toe nail polish on one foot. I wondered how I could have missed that but was thankful I got a chance to correct my error. She is so cuddly, the rain was coming down so hard, and the studio was so cold that I was very thankful to be inside with her. She did not want to sit around in her birthday suit waiting on the glue on her strings to dry so was very happy to be with me inside. I put her in the kitchen to dry her glue and polish.
I had drawn light brown hair on her but I knew S. had like the blonde curls on Sleepy Sam so I went through my bag of wigs to see if I could find one that fit her. I wanted a photo of her with the wig but she kept jumping around on the cupboard so it looks a bit wonky on her. If S. really wants the wig Samantha agreed to settle down tomorrow and let me attach it more securely and give it a proper brushing.
She looks more like a little girl, but I will let S. make the final decision. I prepared her box out the studio (which was warm enough if one kept moving around) and will see if WR will take her box to town tomorrow.
I also got an email from T. in LA that the babies had arrived. Good that I had prepared his bill this morning. I am looking forward to helping this week's crew into their new bodies tomorrow. There was some whining that I never got around to it today. They are as eager as I am to see them do the magic to turn the trays of parts into babies.
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