Thursday, March 24, 2016

Before I get further behind I wanted to record yesterday. What beautiful weather we are having! During the two recent weeks of rain the temperatures have warmed enough to make being in the studio a real joy when the sun shines.
Yesterday in the morning I finished crocheting the bunny outfit. It took longer than I thought it would however my oldest Samantha agreed, again, to model it for me. It feels so right to have an orange carrot! And I like having her on the graduated backdrop instead of the too-busy white fur.

When the kids, who had gotten their bodies the day before, saw me photographing there was so much wiggling in the steel rack I feared it was going to come apart or wobble across the floor to step on my heels. I had no choice but to move Samantha aside and let them shine.

Elsie fit into the St. Paddy's Day jammies so I started with the green blanket. I love how her fingers fold so easily into a prayerful attitude. Maybe she has become St. Patrick, and all the snakes are gone leaving more frogs!

Little Kaydance is so tiny she looks unnatural sitting up. I tried laying her on her tummy but I was too tired, the day was too far gone, and to do her justice I must try again with the newer camera.

The only sleeper that fit Raspberry was this very blah pair, not fit for a photograph, so she got a cute hat and the best of the bibs. In her hand is my new silver rattle of a doll. She was so pleased with it that she stopped making her raspberry sound that blows spit all over everything.  Now with her size she looks old enough to be sitting up but I am unhappy with how the white satin has gone grey behind her.

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