In spite of the rain adding to my melancholy spirits (ten babies are getting ready to leave me!) I was able to get these four ready today due to the good luck that three of them already had their stings tied down. Due to Mr. T's. pleas for a racially diverse group I did sneak in one Kameko. Oh, I should tell you their names. L-r we have Kendal, then Raine (whose name I am sure should be pronounced Renee in stead of rainy), then sweet Kameko and then my all-time love - Eliza. Raine is one from the times I was trying out various colors for bodies before I settled on the blue fabric from Harmony Arts. Most dementia patients will never see their adopted babies without sleepers and will never know they mostly are 'blue-bloods.' Finding Eliza already had a purple diaper cover took the pressure off the situation of having ten babies to go and only nine diapers made up. I also decided that since some of these babies may be on display I would swaddle them in the real hospital receiving blankets instead of the more gaudy fleece blankets. If I do not get my new credit card soon (I still cannot shop!) I may have to use some of the fleece blankets in the near future.
It is becoming more and more clear to me which babies I can donate and which I need to charge for. I still have about 7 babies that I have made because I ordered them hoping for a certain look or they were on sale and gave me something happy and new to work with. I do feel that when nursing homes, or individuals want certain babies with specific attributes, that I will charge for them for the baby. It is only $100 post-paid, so my prices are among the lowest on the market. It is amazing how if I am only following my heart in choosing to make a baby, I feel the freedom to donate it in exchange for postage. But when I have to take my heart in the leather reins to make a baby the way someone else wants it to be, my heart becomes mercenary.
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