The choosing process for the UCLA order has begun and here are the first four babies sitting in the kitchen on the counter where they can watch us get dinner and be warm enough to dry the new glue on their strings. Their jammies are lying beside them so I don't misplace anything. The babies are, l-r: Asher, then Rina, Cricket and Lilly with brown hair. Without their clothes you can see the difference in sizes. I use a pattern I made but I am always altering it as I cut and sew so the babies get a body to reflect their personalities.
Oh, after putting dinner in the oven I brought in two more babies and checked them over and retied their strings and drew on their hair.
Here are Dean and Lilly with black hair. You can see she was sneaking her hand into the cup of candy canes with the hope I would not notice her. That is why she is so intensely interested in something across the room - hoping to get me to follow her eyes while she lifts out the candy. Dean is smaller but above such things as stealing old Christmas candy. The photo of a mother and baby on the bulletin board is of one of our German granddaughters with her 3 month old boy.
So tomorrow has only four babies to prepare for their trip. Everything is happening in good time. Oh! tonight I had a lovely call from Ann! which sweetened the evening.
Another OH! I did rephotograph the bunny suit baby.
I don't know if the photo is better, but it is different. Another rabbit was attracted by the big yellow carrot which thrilled Samantha even more.
Oh my gosh. I love these stories...and am sending hugs to all these bundles.