Sunday, July 12, 2015

 The sun did honor us with it's presence so I could get the photos of the latest crew of babies. This is Tim and below is the reason he looks so cautious and TIMid. While we were fussing with position and clothes a frog crawled up to lick his thumb which I had made him take out of his mouth. I dislike photos of babies with pacifiers because one cannot see the lips and mouth expression and having a thumb in the mouth is the same effect. He has a right to be worried when a frog is licking your thumb.
Tim insisted on showing me how the thumb in one's mouth can still make a cute photo that shows the lips. It is hard when a baby proves me wrong. . .

Now begins the series with the new twins Honey and Bunny. They insisted they did not want the usual old sheepskin as they were special and deserved a special background. They had waited and watched while I bundled up the new babies for New York in these hospital blankets. I warned them the 'cute' ducks would detract from their faces but they won the argument. Here Honey is trying to stand up and nearly got herself out of the photo.
Bunny, Honey's twin, shows us the feet in her sleeper which I use to tell the two twins apart. I put the bibs on them so in the frenzy of photographing I would have addition help to tell them apart. Bunny is more confident than Honey, perhaps because she has the comfort and companionship of the rabbits. To me, both of them seem to be asking, "what's wrong?", "why are you so worried?", "what can I do to make you happier?"
Charlie was happy to pose after I went outside and picked a new daisy for him. He kept waving it around so much that at times it covered his face. Finally I laid it on his shoulder to get it out of his hand. He giggled and loved it tickling his ear until suddenly a little green spider dropped out of it. I grabbed the spider causing it to fail the pressure test. Then Charlie began to cry and there were no more photographs.

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