Wednesday, July 15, 2015

 Yesterday I forgot to capture Cookie waiting on the new stuffing for her legs, so even with a lot going on today she and I got the photo. Seeing her face on the computer reminds me again how much I love that face!

 Here is the week's crew sitting in their trays waiting also for stuffing. I can see here what I discovered earlier this morning. That Isis's legs are in the wrong tray. Isis (I wish she had another more politically correct name!) is in the lower right and her legs in the upper left tray. The photo brings up the colors well!

 I sewed a new body for the new baby and crocheted the caps for her full-length legs and arms. What you cannot really see is how badly her head is connected. It has no flange, just the hole filled with the connection cut from her body plate. There was not enough room to string in the connection so I am thinking that tomorrow I will try something else. But like everything I think of to do, I need the poly fill from Amazon.

I took her photo with her brother and I see now why I only had to pay one cent for him in an auction fluke. What a grumpy depressed little boy. I do not know if he is worth reborning just to stay in touch with his sister. We will see what tomorrow brings us. I may have just bought some little girl a Christmas present.

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