Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Here is Samantha with her new Bountiful Baby body. This is the first one I have used without having to make alterations to  it first and it fits her beautifully. I think I owe them (BB) an apology as I have complained so much about their too-fat bodies. Actually this is the second body of the day that Samantha has tried on. At first I felt her full-legs would fit better in a body for full legs and arms, but as soon as I sat her in the chair, she slid to the floor whining about the fit. Here you see she is smiling as we finally got it right. On her ankle you can see the new identification bracelets for the babes. They are 'real' hospital issue and I like using them on the leg because in the sleeper no one will have to look at another piece of plastic and if someone wants to know which baby this is, they can look on the leg. It will be there as, as far as I know, there is no way the patients can remove it.

I want a shot of how the limbs are closed and how they are glued . The last time I ordered poly filling, Amazon offered two kinds, so I bought both. The economical one is more compact, almost like cotton, but it is poly. It packs down tighter making it easier to glue shut the holes on the limbs. The Fieldcrest kind is too springy and often pops up the felt circle.
Today was body-day and to my surprise, I had bodies for all five babies without having to sit at the sewing machine all morning. By often making an extra body and changing bodies around for the best fit, they were all ready. Here is Kimi in the jammies she wanted. The collar is darling  but I think it is a bit too big for her, but it was the cutest sleeper in the pile and I admired her taste.

I guess it is confirmed that I love opened-mouth babies. Here is Camryn in my favorite photo. He is a discontinued kit from BB and I now know why he is sold out. What I do not understand is why he has not been reordered. Maybe they do need to make new molds of him (he would use the detail) but while we wait I would love more kits of him instead of those grumpy newborns.

 Here you can see his whole body and find out what a charmer he is. I feel good every time I see his face.

Candy has decided to just be a baby this time around and to stop focusing on food! Besides this was the best fitting sleeper in my ever smaller growing pile.

Samantha was at first wearing the yellow sleeper with the cupcakes that I have used before but set up such a howl that I found these jammies for her. She liked the brighter color and is enough of an individual that she refuses to follow in any one's footsteps even for cupcakes.

I had so much time in the day because I was not worn out sewing bodies, that I decided to make Robin into a 'bundle-baby'. I had worked on new eyes for him this week (I put in animal eyes backwards) and decided to quite fussing with him. I had 'lost' his limbs in all the surgeries so a bundle-baby seemed the best solution. After the photo sessions, I did go through all my kits to see what needed what to be used and I did find his legs. I thought of redoing him with them but am just not happy enough with his eyes to use his limbs. I think I would rather buy a new head for them and just let him be. No more experimenting with opening closed eyes! But I do love his little tongue sticking out in the corner of his mouth.

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