Saturday, July 25, 2015

By Friday I felt I could or should start on the piece for Art in the Redwoods (AIR) So I finished the beading on the female frog, with a great sigh of relief because it hurt my eyes so. My eyes  felt as if I had been crying.

By the end of the day I had the doll stuffed (not easy putting in an armature at the same time). I had to tie her to the shelving to keep her stable. I need to remake the doll stand but for that I need heavier wire which WR said he would get for me on Monday. I do not know if I can bend that weight wire, but will try. I had planned another dress for the doll but at the end of the day wanted her to really look good so I put this ready-made dress on her and to my surprise, it fit. I had bought it a year ago for little Jenny Wren who swam in it. 
Last evening we lost our internet so I went back to the studio to study this blue dress and decided it was not right for the piece. I started to work on the one in my heard and got very tired. I guess I do need that down time just watching Serena Williams play tennis!
This morning the blue dress came off so I could try my idea. Above the toddler's head (no name yet) hangs Raine. I got such a charge out of her. I would be puzzling what to do, questioning every thing, and then I would look up and see her with her little fists urging me on. Even her eyes seemed to speak to me.

Only tonight did I decide those white roses on the pink are contributing to the funny dull color of the pink tulle over the silver fabric. Tonight I started adding red roses which helped a lot. By Monday the bigger pinker roses from Amazon should be here (for her hair) and maybe those will be right on the skirt too. Thank goodness those white roses are only hanging on by the sticky stuff that held them to the card so they are easy to remove and I will not lose a lot of work by changing my mind.
You notice the vinyl heads are gone from the bench. I used part of the afternoon to stuff the three bodies and glue in the eyes so hopefully tomorrow I will be able to work on them and ignore this. I was pleased with the way the dress and tulle over skirt worked out. I had no idea that pink tulle on the silver could die right there. Am in lots of fights with the fibro over my right to have a heart attack. It loves to scare me silly with all kinds of symptoms.

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