Friday, June 12, 2015

While recovering from yesterday and wrestling the babies into a box I found directions to crochet diaper covers. So I did one this morning. I am thinking it would be better to make diaper covers than the blankets. They take 3 days and about $8. worth of yarn. I can buy the hospital swaddling blankets, which are a good size, for about 4.each. I read somewhere that older woman do not like Pampers because they remember the old cloth diapers. Maybe I should make the babies listed on the deluxe version of a therapy reborn with blanket AND cover on a flannel diaper . If I made diaper covers there will be no peace pals for awhile.
By late afternoon I was revived enough to start on next week's crew of babies.After doing the nails on hands and toes, I got the eyes in and was looking at the faces and realized they were all either grumpy or just neutral. I missed a smile so added one of the Chinese kits to the mix.
I was amazed how that smile lifted my heart. We have, left to right, a Chinese kit, Felicity made by an Italian woman, Eden - who is very white! and my old friend Ching. Both Felicity and the Chinese kit had those funny eye sockets with bulbous protrusions. At first I tried stuffing the extra space with cotton and then I could not get the eyeball in. Worked over an hour getting eyes in! I need instructions. Afterwards I glued the eyes in place and while the glue was wet, made the final adjustments. So far so good.
Fedex was supposed to come by with a paid mailing slip from Holly but he/she never arrived. I was ready to invite whoever to dinner as the evening got later and our dinner sat in the oven. We finally ate with one ear out the driveway.
Tonight I was able to get another really cheap finished doll from China in an auction so that gives me courage to take apart the one I have. Then I will really see how their dolls are different from ours. I already noticed the head and limbs are NOT stuffed. There is a bag of pellets in the butt of the doll body. The clothes are very cute. I am eager to see the doll in sleepers and the clothes on other babies. Guess I am eager for tomorrow.

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