Thursday, June 18, 2015

Meet the new crew for this week on the table at my shoulder where the computer with audible books is. As usual the Ching child is acting up - being the crew clown. Next to him is Candy, how I love her friendly expression, then Lilly who is new to me (and looks scared of everything), and Elsie who turned out nice for me before. When I was gluing the eyes the Ching child panicked that I was gluing in the joke. Afterwards, as I was making final adjustments in the wet glue, I saw the Ching child had both eyes in the proper place!
I was able to start the new crew yesterday because I did not do take the wigs off of last week's bunch. I did put them aside to keep them separate.

EDITH                 FELICITY
I posted Ming-Yen on and need to go check for comments on her today. As far as I know, I am the first person to purchase a doll from China and reborn it. That may not go down well with the folks who are so anti-Chinese. Looking at these photos I am again very depressed with the expressions on the American doll kits. It makes me vow again not to buy any kit that does not have a genuine smiling face. I should not say all the smiles are on foreign faces. When I look at all the Chinese dolls only one has a pleasant neutral look and there is then only the Ming-Yen kit that has the good smile. Even the Chinese know the worth of that smile - her kits and dolls stay high in price. Otherwise I am eager to buy another but not at $118.  In the BB forum I was reading of people wishing for doll kits that cost $300. - 400. and turned off my computer in amazement to catch my breath.

Oh, even though Harmony and I had moved the Dolly Lama several times, carrying him around with us when we met last week, when he was put back in his corner, he turned his foot out to show the sole of his foot as he had done before. Does he know the stories of the Buddha and how his feet had very special markings on them to  prove his spiritually and destiny? I believe, as Harmony said,  he is a special one!

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