Yesterday I was calling this lad @sshole. The day before that I had painted a head for him and wrangled the eyeballs in though it was very obvious they were so loose they wobbled. Overnight I thought about the problem and decided that the new glue coming from Amazon would work if I could just make myself wait until the box arrived. It did come yesterday right on time and by afternoon I was trying to get glue in the spaces around the eye. The nozzle was too big and let out too much so that each eye was swimming in white glue. If I tried to wipe glue off the eyeball, it would shift and slide into another glob of glue. At one point I just walked away from the table in such a snit that I was unable to have any new ideas. Resting in my chair I began to think of a $3.99 pair of eyes being wasted. I returned to the mess, took the eyes out and cleaned all the glue off the vinyl. I was afraid there was glue I was not getting off so I got out another Ching head, determined to put 24mm eyes in it. I tried every trick I know and the eyes were just too big to go between the socket and the eyelid. Then I tried inserting the 22 mm eyes I had just cleaned off. They popped right in but still there was space all around. I think he really needs 23mm eyes. I actually considered making some in that size with sculpy clay. At 4:00 I was not up to that. However I made sculpy plugs to put in behind the eyes to force them up against the back of the eyelid. The eyes sat closer but I still was not satisfied. Duct tape to the rescue. I was able to force the socket down on the eyeball were I wanted it and hold it in place. I added more duct tape until I had what I wanted. Having seen how this kit can mess with eyes, I stuffed the head at once with lots of cotton around the eyes. This morning I had this.
Today was body-day and it is no longer the crisis/disaster it has been in the recent pass. I had bought some BB bodies to see how to make the part that fit full-length legs and I knew Candy had 'em. So she got the first body from BB but before I could put it on her I had to go in to the machine to sew up the seams. While there I made another body. Back in the studio Candy, now named Sweetie, was delighted to have her legs in the right body. I was glad she was not as fat as the original body would have made her.
She was still sitting on the test chair when I finished (I now call him Alex instead of @hole) and plopped him down on the floor beside her. To my shock when I looked back she had her hand on his shoulder asking him to forgive
me for being so angry with him yesterday. I think the camera caught him saying, "Aw, it wasn't that bad."
In the peace that then reigned in the studio I was able to get Lily into a body. She was very happy with the slimness of it and started to relax. I helped Sweetie put a hand on her shoulder too. You can see that I am not putting the lace on my body sleeves but I have changed how I make the string channel around the neck. Instead of trying to get the rounded cut in the front to fold over smoothly, I have sewn on a placket for the string that makes the curve beautifully. This photo shows the big difference in skin colors.
Then I turned to Eliza, who I was calling Elijah. He is so much smaller so I took my courage in hand and made him one of the smaller suits. It was a perfect fit. He knew it, I knew it and every one else agreed with us.
Thus by early afternoon everyone had their birthday suit and there was 1/2 day left over so I got out the new pile of sleepers. Michelle came through in perfect time. Her sleepers smell so good and she folds them so nicely we can take them out of the box to start trying them on.

Sweetie could not find any with food pictures on them so she ended up taking these with polar bears. When I asked how her logic picked these she said, "Well bears love honey!" "That," I said, "are black bears. I think Polar bears find dolphins sweet." She just turned her head and kept on smiling. I was amazed how soft these sleepers were. Probably too warm for summer but just right for cool California summers. I just could not stop cuddling her! The softness of the outfit and her own snuggle factor made me want to stop work right there and just rock her. By the time I got the other three dressed and ready for photographs I saw the sun was already too far on to the set up. The earth is changing and it was going to ruin my photo shoot. Still I tried to hurry and get the other babies done when Alex set up a howl. He wanted to be posed with a sailboat to match his jammies. I stopped every thing to search through my toys but there were no sailboats. He had a fit, would not pose,
stuck out his tongue at me, refused to touch any other toy.
All I can do is photograph the other two kids tomorrow which I am eager to do as I found Elijah can fold his hands as if he is in prayer. How right that he got that name and that ability to pray.