Friday, June 17, 2016

My great plan to do my blog in the morning took a hit behind the knees today when we lost power at 9:30 so the computer became a dust collector and nothing more. A guy from Croatia had asked me to write the introduction to his haiku book which I had been putting off all week so I took the power outage as a sign I should work on his book, so I did.
Now it is afternoon, the power is back on, and even the rain has stopped so I can bend my mind back to yesterday in the studio. The best part of the day went to finalizing the last three unfinished babies. The weird idea I had the day before, on how to make little stands so the babies would sit upright without falling over was still with me so I cut up the yardage into  blankets so I could have a chunk to use in the photographs. I was shocked how much energy it took from me to stand at the kitchen counter to measure and cut out the blankets. By the time I recovered enough to clear the photo table and arrange to make photos today's storm was already hanging around the open studio door keeping the light away.

Morgan and Mollie are my models. It is hard to realize that these two are made from the same kit but seem like such opposite individuals.  Here below is a side view. Now I can see how distracting the sitz-device is when it is hidden by a blanket. I think that if I cut the cardboard off at shoulder level it would be adequate.
Even a shot from the side is not as much of a disturbance as the blanket.

Then I got a shot of the back and saw how terrible this was.

So I grabbed up a can of spray paint to try to cover the printing. While I was crocheting, and waiting on the paint to dry I smelled rain. Too late.  That idea folded up into wet cardboard and silver paint which I refuse to show you.

So that is how Morgan and Mollie spent the night chatting away. I hope they had a good time even though they were in their birthday suits. Seeing this I think Mollie is going to need one of the new wigs I have been buying on eBay to cover up that slope in her head shape.

Good news! C. called from PA saying both boxes of babies arrived and she was delighted with her new family. I am always so relieved to know the kids are no longer playing in the post office.

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