I have been so busy getting babies ready to enter the big world for their adventures that I have sadly neglected recording my day's worth of activity. For days I was too tired because of the wrong BP meds but now my body has readjusted to the amount of pharmaceuticals it wants and I have more energy than ever. Also with the days staying light so long into the evening I am tempted to work longer right through the hour I had the computer before dinner.
So to catch up. Last Thursday Werner took the box for C. in PA to the post office containing these babies for her.
This is just a gang-bang shot of them waiting on the photo-table. I did make official portraits of each which you can see in the therapy baby site ( http://reborntherapydolls.blogspot.com/ ).
On Thursday the box from Bountiful Babies finally arrived so I was able to start work on C.'s Elsie. I made 2 Elsie babies since L. from Petaluma also wanted one. Saturday morning I took their portraits.
I emailed C. to ask which one she wanted so the blond Else stayed upfront for L which she seemed glad to have.
So on Sunday I rested up from the very good and helpful visit from L. & J. and began to try to prepare the red-headed Elsie for C.
On Saturday this Elijah had seemed like a lad but on Sunday more of the sweetness seeped though and I could not send the baby in these male-like jammies. She ended up in a cuddly blue sleeper and then because she was so tiny, only 19 inches, I tucked her into one of these cocoons that I had just finished on Friday.
This is not Elsie but the photo does show the cocoon she got to wear for the trip. I was so determined to get her into the box I had picked out for her alone that I totally forgot to photograph her. Evidently my brain-cells quit work at 5:00 and I do not even miss them.
C.'s box with the new Elsie is in the trunk of the car ready to start her trip and I could not justify opening it just to take a new photo. It is now Monday morning and I am vowing to get caught up on various jobs I have let go in the business of last week. First here and then to straighten up the places in the studio that have gotten in disorder. Then, joy of joy, I can pick out the new crew for the week to get started on them. The sun is making its summer efforts, the studio is already warming up, my BP meds are happy in me and I am ready to zoom into the week and you are with me.
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