Meet this week's crew. On the left is Dumplin, a very old (2009) Bountiful Baby kit that I have never used because I thought his mouth looked too grumpy in the proto-type photo. However recently he was put on sale with a new photo where I could see his lips better and decided he had an acceptable neutral expression. In the middle is Sweet and Sassy which I was able to get at a low price for a change. Otherwise his kit sells for $60 or more but some Chinese new-comer to e-bay put him in an auction with a not-very-good photograph so no one wanted him. I love his immediacy and his big smile. On the right is Gracie. Shortly after BB introduced her this year they ran out of kits. Something happened behind the scenes. When the new shipment came in they announced her return with a 1/2 off sale and there I was. In this photo, that is Kameko who was trying on the new caps I was making with the Pipsqueak yarn. I think she thinks she is above this group as she already has her body!

They do have their limbs, they are just on the tray for the nail-jobs. I was so organized this day that I already put the name bands on the left ankle. To the left here is Gretchen Butler's Down-Home Tablet that I am currently using to keep my list of things for which I am thankful. One of them is for the charming illustrations Gretchen has on every page. I love her drawing and the paper is so smooth - all make a joy to write down my blessings.
In looking for something for lunch I found an opened tube of Pringles which had gone too stale for even me, so I tossed them out my studio door and was repaid with an afternoon of visitations from the resident Scrub Jay families.
I am now out of the Pipsqueak yarn so I used the leftovers to make a cap with a bobble for my Ching Baby model. I so enjoyed looking across the room and seeing him sitting patiently on the photo-table,
I finally used the zoom feature on the new camera to get this shot from across the room. He looks like he is trying to lick the tutu fabric of the bow from this angle. Even his eyes are nearly crossed in concentration. I love it when I find the babies having a live if their own.
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