SUNDAY June 26 - in catch-up
I made a holiday of Sunday thinking that a day without a "should" on my shoulder" should please me. A little it did, but by afternoon I was entertaining the idea of working on babies who needed larger eyes (of which I had enough). By late afternoon I knew I would never sleep if I had babies out on my table so I put off the job of picking them until Monday.
MONDAY June 27
In my morning exuberance, I took out every doll kit in my stash looking for large faces. I was surprised how many were small. Good thing the eye order I sent to Sandie was so large. I happily started doing the finger- and toe-nails as I always do. It was only when I turned to inserting eyes I saw how wrong it was follow old customs.
One baby, Lilly, fit her eyes perfectly. Kendal's 22 mm eyes rolled around as if they wanted out of his head. I was very glad to use one pair of the 24 mm for him. However, even the 22 eyes were too big for the next doll so I put her back before I even got her name into my mind. The rest of the day was given to stuffing limbs and the two heads. I was excited about making bodies the next day. I could not figure out why my fibro was acting up so much. I was in such pain I could hardly get in and out of the shower.
I awoke to the terrible pain in my hand and wrist. I was sure I had been struck with carpal tunnel SINdrome for something I had thought or done. I slathered Voltaren creme on my hand, naturally the right one, and slugged down three aspirin. I could not even hold on to my clothes enough to dress with my hand. I had to use my left hand and a lot of slithering and wiggling. After breakfast I had already used up all my defenses against pain so laid down to sleep.
When I woke for lunch all the pains in my hand and wrist were gone! Hallelujah! Was it the creme or the aspirin? Only as I used my hand and found not the tiniest twinge of pain or soreness did the light go on in my head! I did not have carpal tunnel, but the circus was from fibromyalgia. The Savella, I take every day almost with out thinking about it, that had stopped it!
I ran to the sewing machine after lunch but my day was out of whack. After lunch is my time to rest by crocheting and not the time to sit at the sewing machine. Soon the bobbin ran out and when I tried to use the machine again it made a horrible noise and quit. So did I.
With my best and freshest energy I found the problem with the machine (the thread was catching in the slit in the plastic end to hold the spool from unwinding) fixed it, and the machine ran perfectly. Kendal and Lilly got their new bodies and are sitting on the photo table waiting on the good light in the morning which Google is promising us.
The eye balls did not arrive from Sandie even though I have her letter she mailed them out express on Monday. Tomorrow is Mary's day to clean so we shall us the sunshine to find the dirt. Maybe the eyes will come tomorrow. In the meantime I have these two babies to fill my heart. I am finding my happiness in their dear faces.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Have made some changes in my work schedule. It used to be that when I had photographed the individual babies I thought of myself as 'done' with that crew and joyfully picked a new one. Now I am training myself to put the photographed babies on the boxes by my 'desk' to remember to weigh and measure them before I put them on the shelf. There have been weeks I have forgotten or overlooked this step in the past few months. I used to feel something was missing in my relationship with the babies when I would photograph them and quickly plunk them on the shelves. Yesterday, before I would let myself have the joy of finding a new crew, I made myself sit down to finalize the strings. I found myself being very happy to be with the baby again, seeing the strings pulled up even tighter and gluing down the ends. It was so good to have these extra minutes cuddling the babies. I found myself talking to them, apologizing for turning them upside down to reach a knot. etc. All this fun meant that I was spending over 1/2 a day on the crew so it was afternoon before I picked out a new one.
Then I discovered I had forgotten to order more small eyes! I was able to get the slightly too-big ones into Sweet and Sassy on the left and one of the unnamed one babies on the right, but I got too tired to finish the the other unnamed one at the back of the tray.
One of the reasons I ran out eye-installing energy was I spent too long trying to get eyes in this Bereanger kit from Spain you can see below. The vinyl was so much harder on this baby. While cutting the eye sockets I actually cut my own finger and bled like a pig over myself until I got a bandage on it. This was the first time I had a mishap with a knife while cutting at least 200 eye sockets. That made me give up on this doll so he/she ended up in a tray.
As you can see (maybe) the eyes are much smaller. I have an order in to Dolls by Sandie who has already written that she will ship them out express on Monday. This baby will sit on the waiting-for-parts shelf along with the Sweet and Sassy with 2 left arms. It was after this that I added the other new crew member who is waiting on his eyes this morning. It is a beautiful summer day and he should have his eyes in so he can see what feels so good.
One of the reasons I ran out eye-installing energy was I spent too long trying to get eyes in this Bereanger kit from Spain you can see below. The vinyl was so much harder on this baby. While cutting the eye sockets I actually cut my own finger and bled like a pig over myself until I got a bandage on it. This was the first time I had a mishap with a knife while cutting at least 200 eye sockets. That made me give up on this doll so he/she ended up in a tray.
As you can see (maybe) the eyes are much smaller. I have an order in to Dolls by Sandie who has already written that she will ship them out express on Monday. This baby will sit on the waiting-for-parts shelf along with the Sweet and Sassy with 2 left arms. It was after this that I added the other new crew member who is waiting on his eyes this morning. It is a beautiful summer day and he should have his eyes in so he can see what feels so good.
Friday, June 24, 2016
I was so eager this beautiful morning to get to the studio to begin photographing this week's crew of babies that I forgot to do my blog from yesterday. From that statement alone you can know that all three did get a body and by the end of the day everyone was happy. That was not the case around noon when I discovered that in spite of my best intentions, 2 bodies had too small leg caps for the fat-thighed little babies they are. Without losing my temper I simply sewed new caps. While doing this, as I sometimes do when making bodies, I began to feel rather God-like and relate to Him in that way. I wondered if God was sitting on the ridge with His feet cooling off in the ocean. I wondered what He felt when He made a mistake while creating a baby. Did he snap His fingers (thunderclap) and vow to pay more attention or use a yardstick? Did He resolve to make those parts more generous? Or try a new design? If that failed how did He handle the situation with the crippled baby? Did He plan other new, and more generous blessings for the baby and the parents?
All my random thoughts kind of came together while watching Google news (when I had waded through all the opinions on the Brits leaving the Union of Europa) about a couple in Sugar Creek, Ohio whose baby was born with part of the brain in a thin-skinned lump on top of his head. A surgeon in Boston, with access to new facilities and a 3-D printer was able to open the child's skull and re-insert the brain mass. The child lives and his parents have been to hell and back. I wondered how much of the bad stuff God took credit for, how much of the new ideas and abilities were His gifts, and how much he guided the surgeon and staff in the process. Now you know why I should stick to making dollies.
Only when I downloaded the photos did I remember that I had intended to share the good news of my newly created worktable. When I got my new machine one of the instructions was to not store it in sunlight. My desk is right there in the afternoon glare so after using a cardboard box for some weeks I hit on the idea of using an overturned basket. So far so good. I also learned to slide the acrylic desk protector to the far side but when the sun is so far north the light still pours in.
All my random thoughts kind of came together while watching Google news (when I had waded through all the opinions on the Brits leaving the Union of Europa) about a couple in Sugar Creek, Ohio whose baby was born with part of the brain in a thin-skinned lump on top of his head. A surgeon in Boston, with access to new facilities and a 3-D printer was able to open the child's skull and re-insert the brain mass. The child lives and his parents have been to hell and back. I wondered how much of the bad stuff God took credit for, how much of the new ideas and abilities were His gifts, and how much he guided the surgeon and staff in the process. Now you know why I should stick to making dollies.
Only when I downloaded the photos did I remember that I had intended to share the good news of my newly created worktable. When I got my new machine one of the instructions was to not store it in sunlight. My desk is right there in the afternoon glare so after using a cardboard box for some weeks I hit on the idea of using an overturned basket. So far so good. I also learned to slide the acrylic desk protector to the far side but when the sun is so far north the light still pours in.
While I sewed I set the basket on the floor. Always needing more room to lay together the 9 parts of body, yesterday I did this. I need all the help I can get organizing the bodies for the babes. It seems half the things I need to do anything will spend some time on the floor. With the basket the pieces are within reach. You can see in the photo I had laid out the leg cap with the idea of making it slightly wider.
Moving right along,here are photos of the kids in ther birthday suits .
Here we have Juney and Rina on the bench and then there is Tobias trying to distance himself from the girls while he balances on the jar of headbands.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Yesterday was a very ordinary day in the studio, I was feeling good as it gets now, and the sun finally came through the sea fog so I had enough light to get everyone stuffed. Tobias was a bit of a hassle as his little eye sockets are so wonky that nothing kept his eyes straight. I had even tried gluing them the the night before but by the time the glue dried (thanks warm weather!) the eyes were no longer straight. Then last night I was watching "The Quad Squad" a series of vlogs about a couple who, thanks to IV, had 4 girls at once. Naturally they were removed 8 weeks too early but I saw in their story how wonky real babies eyes can be especially if they are preemies. Todias fits right in with their reality. When I stuffed his head I got them as straight as I could.
Today is body-making day. I feel the kids are ready to jump out of their trays into bodies I have not yet made so I had better get out of the comfort of the computer chair and get to work.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The sun did shine yesterday but still the photos needed their light adjusted. I must have punched the wrong button on the camera. At least I was happy with the sunshine and thought I was doing a good job of getting the photos taken.
First on the table was Gracie modeling the new crocheted snowsuits for babies. She seems very aware of her honor and was trying very hard to hold still and to make the cocoon look as good as possible. A few weeks ago I was very unhappy with the looks of the fur piece as part of the set-up but with this suit for winter it looks just right.
Jason Ching seems a bit shocked to be able to see so well. I put different sleeper on him to disconnect him from his time when his eyes were bad. You can see in the shape of his fingers that his body is from the Ching family. I took off all the sleepers from the babies I fixed to give them a wash. It was really weird to find all those baby clothes in the laundry load. Took me back to when my kids were tiny like nothing else has been able to do.
This is little Dumplin. She makes me laugh at her determination to be as good as the bigger babies. She already seems to want to be older, more responsible, the baby of babies. She is so small her jammies look a little too big for her and that only adds to her determination. Her little back is already so straight but she cuddles beautifully. I usually don't enjoy cuddling the tiny babies but she was such a delight that I sat with her for a long time.
Okay, now I admit my passion for this new baby. My first reborn, I now find out, was an Ashton-Drake baby sculpted by Linda Murry. I had purchased her from a seller on eBay. Ever since I got her and fell head over heels in love, I have searched for another one. I felt that I could reborn her into a more cuddly baby if I had the courage to take her apart. I knew I could buy another from A-D for $139, but I wanted to see if anyone had used her mold to make a kit. No such luck. However about a week ago, while scanning eBay, as I do evening to relax, I saw a used Giggles doll. To my even greater surprise I won the auction for a very low price because she came with no clothes and a very honest description. Then I see that this was the first sale by this seller and all my scam alarm bells went off. Still I felt the doll was meant to be mine so Paypal and I paid. To my delight the seller immediately sent her off. She arrived Monday afternoon. Naked, with a few loose threads and someone had cut her hair but she had no bad smell and was very clean with no dirt or questionable stains. While I was turning her over in my hands she began to giggle! Someone had but batteries in her and turned on the device and left it on. I found that she would giggle no matter where I touched her. My Giggles had the same device but after a few giggles I had turned it off because it was set so loud and sounded too tinny and just awful. This new doll had a lower voice and I loved it. I should have photographed her in her nakedness but I forgot to do it in my delight that I still my Giggles original clothes. I did wipe her down and found only a bit of dust on her face that when was removed made her eyes sparkle even more. In yesterday's good light I was able to get this shot of Giggles 2 wearing Giggle's sandals which Giggles 1 refused to wear in the winter.
The day before I had introduced her to my Giggle twin and the joy I felt having her doubled. I could never really understand people who got their thrills from buying things but suddenly I too, felt that deep feeling of absolute joy of having been able to buy these two.
I have left them on the photo table just so I can look at them whenever I lift my head. I am searching for the best possible place for the pair so I can see them all day long. They look like twins but are not exactly the same. I can easily see the differences. My plan had been to take Giggles 2 apart and reborn her in my fashion, but just now I am so happy with her that making her more cuddle-some is the last of my thoughts.
The sun did shine yesterday but still the photos needed their light adjusted. I must have punched the wrong button on the camera. At least I was happy with the sunshine and thought I was doing a good job of getting the photos taken.
First on the table was Gracie modeling the new crocheted snowsuits for babies. She seems very aware of her honor and was trying very hard to hold still and to make the cocoon look as good as possible. A few weeks ago I was very unhappy with the looks of the fur piece as part of the set-up but with this suit for winter it looks just right.
Jason Ching seems a bit shocked to be able to see so well. I put different sleeper on him to disconnect him from his time when his eyes were bad. You can see in the shape of his fingers that his body is from the Ching family. I took off all the sleepers from the babies I fixed to give them a wash. It was really weird to find all those baby clothes in the laundry load. Took me back to when my kids were tiny like nothing else has been able to do.
This is little Dumplin. She makes me laugh at her determination to be as good as the bigger babies. She already seems to want to be older, more responsible, the baby of babies. She is so small her jammies look a little too big for her and that only adds to her determination. Her little back is already so straight but she cuddles beautifully. I usually don't enjoy cuddling the tiny babies but she was such a delight that I sat with her for a long time.
Okay, now I admit my passion for this new baby. My first reborn, I now find out, was an Ashton-Drake baby sculpted by Linda Murry. I had purchased her from a seller on eBay. Ever since I got her and fell head over heels in love, I have searched for another one. I felt that I could reborn her into a more cuddly baby if I had the courage to take her apart. I knew I could buy another from A-D for $139, but I wanted to see if anyone had used her mold to make a kit. No such luck. However about a week ago, while scanning eBay, as I do evening to relax, I saw a used Giggles doll. To my even greater surprise I won the auction for a very low price because she came with no clothes and a very honest description. Then I see that this was the first sale by this seller and all my scam alarm bells went off. Still I felt the doll was meant to be mine so Paypal and I paid. To my delight the seller immediately sent her off. She arrived Monday afternoon. Naked, with a few loose threads and someone had cut her hair but she had no bad smell and was very clean with no dirt or questionable stains. While I was turning her over in my hands she began to giggle! Someone had but batteries in her and turned on the device and left it on. I found that she would giggle no matter where I touched her. My Giggles had the same device but after a few giggles I had turned it off because it was set so loud and sounded too tinny and just awful. This new doll had a lower voice and I loved it. I should have photographed her in her nakedness but I forgot to do it in my delight that I still my Giggles original clothes. I did wipe her down and found only a bit of dust on her face that when was removed made her eyes sparkle even more. In yesterday's good light I was able to get this shot of Giggles 2 wearing Giggle's sandals which Giggles 1 refused to wear in the winter.
The day before I had introduced her to my Giggle twin and the joy I felt having her doubled. I could never really understand people who got their thrills from buying things but suddenly I too, felt that deep feeling of absolute joy of having been able to buy these two.
I have left them on the photo table just so I can look at them whenever I lift my head. I am searching for the best possible place for the pair so I can see them all day long. They look like twins but are not exactly the same. I can easily see the differences. My plan had been to take Giggles 2 apart and reborn her in my fashion, but just now I am so happy with her that making her more cuddle-some is the last of my thoughts.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The baby in the blue body on the bench is Dumplin in his new body which was Gracie's old too tight one. Being slimmer, Dumplin fits perfectly. Gracie gets a never tried-on body with new bigger leg caps.That blue body on the floor, with stuffing coming out the neck hole, comes into the story later so don't forget that you have already seen the headless wonder.
Here is Gracie in a body that fits her. You probably cannot see any difference but I feel a lot better with her in this body with the proper sized caps.
Then I moved on to checking (I am learning) Sweet and Sassy's limbs to make sure they would fit into the caps I had made for her before assembling her body. To my great surprised I find this!
She had two left arms! I scrounged among all my doll kits hoping I had second kit I could borrow an arm from but she was my only one. No one else had an arm as long as hers. However, the search turned up an extra head that would fit on to Jason, the headless wonder on the floor, you already saw in photo one today.
Here is Jason with his new head and perfectly installed eyes. I was amazed how good having three babies in a crew works out for me. Even though Sweet and Sassy was put on the shelf to await a right arm, finding the head for Jason still allowed me to get three babies done today.
Then I was further blessed. In the mail was another Sweet & Sassy baby, with the right number of arms, but also with the address of the sender which I had thrown away last week. It is Tina in China with whom I have written before so I know her English is perfect and I am hoping she can send me one right arm. I did take a better photo to show her my (Sassy's) problem.
I was also blessed in that T., who had introduced the babies to the UCLA unit, paid for their postage since UCLA's accountants could not figure out why they had to pay to the postage but not for the 10 dolls sent to them. I had given up getting paid anything on those babies but here comes T. with a check so I can go shopping for new babies. Thanks T. - you know who you are!
Here is Gracie in a body that fits her. You probably cannot see any difference but I feel a lot better with her in this body with the proper sized caps.
Here is Jason with his new head and perfectly installed eyes. I was amazed how good having three babies in a crew works out for me. Even though Sweet and Sassy was put on the shelf to await a right arm, finding the head for Jason still allowed me to get three babies done today.
Then I was further blessed. In the mail was another Sweet & Sassy baby, with the right number of arms, but also with the address of the sender which I had thrown away last week. It is Tina in China with whom I have written before so I know her English is perfect and I am hoping she can send me one right arm. I did take a better photo to show her my (Sassy's) problem.
I was also blessed in that T., who had introduced the babies to the UCLA unit, paid for their postage since UCLA's accountants could not figure out why they had to pay to the postage but not for the 10 dolls sent to them. I had given up getting paid anything on those babies but here comes T. with a check so I can go shopping for new babies. Thanks T. - you know who you are!
Monday, June 20, 2016
In planning my work for yesterday I forgot that it was also Father's Day. Thus it was almost 3:00 before I got a couple of bodies sewn together. Out of habit I started to assemble the biggest of the three babies and to my discomfort I found Gracie's thighs so big I had to huff and puff and use pliers to get the caps on them. I did get them on and here she is with thanks to the auto-correct feature that makes up for late afternoon light on her.
I sat and looked at her a long time debating if I should let her use these too-tight leg caps. There was also a funny wrinkle in her upper chest that I wondered if I should accept or not. Not able to make up my tired 5:00 mind I enjoyed the scene around her so snapped this also.
It was only after my shower and while watching the Golden State Warriors get beat by the Cleveland basketball team did I realize I should first check the other baby's thigh sizes to see if any are smaller than Gracie's. If so that baby could have her body and I will make new wider leg caps for her to put on a body already sewn. So often body-getting day turns my studio into a used car lot with bodies getting passed from baby to baby until the right fit is found. This is not rocket science.
I sat and looked at her a long time debating if I should let her use these too-tight leg caps. There was also a funny wrinkle in her upper chest that I wondered if I should accept or not. Not able to make up my tired 5:00 mind I enjoyed the scene around her so snapped this also.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
In looking for something for lunch I found an opened tube of Pringles which had gone too stale for even me, so I tossed them out my studio door and was repaid with an afternoon of visitations from the resident Scrub Jay families.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
My great plan to do my blog in the morning took a hit behind the knees today when we lost power at 9:30 so the computer became a dust collector and nothing more. A guy from Croatia had asked me to write the introduction to his haiku book which I had been putting off all week so I took the power outage as a sign I should work on his book, so I did.
Now it is afternoon, the power is back on, and even the rain has stopped so I can bend my mind back to yesterday in the studio. The best part of the day went to finalizing the last three unfinished babies. The weird idea I had the day before, on how to make little stands so the babies would sit upright without falling over was still with me so I cut up the yardage into blankets so I could have a chunk to use in the photographs. I was shocked how much energy it took from me to stand at the kitchen counter to measure and cut out the blankets. By the time I recovered enough to clear the photo table and arrange to make photos today's storm was already hanging around the open studio door keeping the light away.
Morgan and Mollie are my models. It is hard to realize that these two are made from the same kit but seem like such opposite individuals. Here below is a side view. Now I can see how distracting the sitz-device is when it is hidden by a blanket. I think that if I cut the cardboard off at shoulder level it would be adequate.
Even a shot from the side is not as much of a disturbance as the blanket.
Then I got a shot of the back and saw how terrible this was.
So I grabbed up a can of spray paint to try to cover the printing. While I was crocheting, and waiting on the paint to dry I smelled rain. Too late. That idea folded up into wet cardboard and silver paint which I refuse to show you.
So that is how Morgan and Mollie spent the night chatting away. I hope they had a good time even though they were in their birthday suits. Seeing this I think Mollie is going to need one of the new wigs I have been buying on eBay to cover up that slope in her head shape.
Good news! C. called from PA saying both boxes of babies arrived and she was delighted with her new family. I am always so relieved to know the kids are no longer playing in the post office.
Now it is afternoon, the power is back on, and even the rain has stopped so I can bend my mind back to yesterday in the studio. The best part of the day went to finalizing the last three unfinished babies. The weird idea I had the day before, on how to make little stands so the babies would sit upright without falling over was still with me so I cut up the yardage into blankets so I could have a chunk to use in the photographs. I was shocked how much energy it took from me to stand at the kitchen counter to measure and cut out the blankets. By the time I recovered enough to clear the photo table and arrange to make photos today's storm was already hanging around the open studio door keeping the light away.
Morgan and Mollie are my models. It is hard to realize that these two are made from the same kit but seem like such opposite individuals. Here below is a side view. Now I can see how distracting the sitz-device is when it is hidden by a blanket. I think that if I cut the cardboard off at shoulder level it would be adequate.
Even a shot from the side is not as much of a disturbance as the blanket.
Then I got a shot of the back and saw how terrible this was.
So I grabbed up a can of spray paint to try to cover the printing. While I was crocheting, and waiting on the paint to dry I smelled rain. Too late. That idea folded up into wet cardboard and silver paint which I refuse to show you.
Good news! C. called from PA saying both boxes of babies arrived and she was delighted with her new family. I am always so relieved to know the kids are no longer playing in the post office.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
I got the pink cocoon made yesterday. Finally I let myself plan to use the whole ball of yarn so I was able to see how much yarn it takes for the biggest version. I used all of the ball and still have some left over. Now if I make a white cocoon I have enough pink for the 'fringe' at the top. I like making these since there is no way to count stitches with such fuzzy stuff. I just keep an eye on how big the cocoon is making itself to see if I agree. Once I had to take out a couple of rows because the width was spreading out too much.
In the morning, I had finished up two more babies' strings and then I made the mistake of taking one of the Chinese kits apart with the intent of redoing the wonky eyes.
In the end I gave up trying to rescue the baby, so I was not proud of myself. I may just try inserting the eyes into a new head to see if I can do a better job of it.
I did go through the boxes of small babies and found these three needed help getting themselves finished.
Here we have Kameko (to the left) and the siblings Morgan and Mollie- who are having a spat and refusing to look at each other. Kids! Also you can see the results of a lunchtime brainstorm. I got the idea of cutting out the corners of a box, setting the doll into the corner and using the former sides of the box to support the doll upright. I am still thinking of this idea, seeing if it really works as slick as it does in my imagination, and how to hide the cardboard aspect of it.
These three babies are the last of the lot that need finishing so I look forward to working on them this morning. I think I forgot to say yesterday that one of things that pays me back for all the work is my time with the baby before I start to work. I pick up the baby, rock and hold her close while I explain to her what I am going to do and ask her cooperation. I also ask if anything feels wrong to her and request that she show me what needs fixing. I know this all sounds silly, but even when I have the baby back together, I will cuddle her, thank her, and bless her for the lovely time we have had together, This way I can hold the baby in cuddle and think I am still working with no guilt. I guess I have the idea that if I can give a doll all the love possible, it can, when in the arms of a new person, radiate some of my love into their life. If the doll is used to getting love from me, she will, in the new situation teach that person to love her (the doll) and in that way learn how love feels and call forth those feelings in order to pass them on to those around her. Welcome to my world.
In the morning, I had finished up two more babies' strings and then I made the mistake of taking one of the Chinese kits apart with the intent of redoing the wonky eyes.
In the end I gave up trying to rescue the baby, so I was not proud of myself. I may just try inserting the eyes into a new head to see if I can do a better job of it.
I did go through the boxes of small babies and found these three needed help getting themselves finished.
Here we have Kameko (to the left) and the siblings Morgan and Mollie- who are having a spat and refusing to look at each other. Kids! Also you can see the results of a lunchtime brainstorm. I got the idea of cutting out the corners of a box, setting the doll into the corner and using the former sides of the box to support the doll upright. I am still thinking of this idea, seeing if it really works as slick as it does in my imagination, and how to hide the cardboard aspect of it.
These three babies are the last of the lot that need finishing so I look forward to working on them this morning. I think I forgot to say yesterday that one of things that pays me back for all the work is my time with the baby before I start to work. I pick up the baby, rock and hold her close while I explain to her what I am going to do and ask her cooperation. I also ask if anything feels wrong to her and request that she show me what needs fixing. I know this all sounds silly, but even when I have the baby back together, I will cuddle her, thank her, and bless her for the lovely time we have had together, This way I can hold the baby in cuddle and think I am still working with no guilt. I guess I have the idea that if I can give a doll all the love possible, it can, when in the arms of a new person, radiate some of my love into their life. If the doll is used to getting love from me, she will, in the new situation teach that person to love her (the doll) and in that way learn how love feels and call forth those feelings in order to pass them on to those around her. Welcome to my world.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Grace was graceful enough to let me take photos to show you what I am talking about when I say I am finishing up babies. When I take their portraits you cannot see that the strings holding them together are left as I first tied them. What happens is I can pull the strings through the casings tight enough with the first couple attempts. As I work up the body, my hands are giving out by the time I get to the arms and especially the neck. If I know where the baby is going I can decide if she is stuffed properly, if she is tied together securely enough and then to make a final decision on the sleeper to send with her. To finish her I need to make these decisions and then test the neck knot.
The first test is to see if the head is one securely enough. I do this by putting on the two strings so see how much baby neck is exposed. Here, as you can see, this is too much. With pointed scissors I work loose the knot and prepare to retie it. Part of that process is to check to see I want to make any changes in the placement of the eyes or the stuffing in the head.
With the neck secure I move down to the strings on the arms. Here you can see how I use the pointed scissors to open the knot. The photo is slightly out of focus because I clicking on the close up lens which I thought would allow me to do that. Obviously there is something new to learn about this camera. What is in better focus is the way I glue down the string ends - here on the neck.
I test every knot and redo the ones that do not pass inspection. Usually I can get the first leg knots done tightly enough but then my hands give out or my energy wains and I can no longer tie the knots as tightly as I think they should be. Yesterday I had a great day and was able to get these four babies finalized and back to the table to dry the new glue. Thank goodness 98% of it is in the body part-grooves so I do not have to worry about them sticking to the quilt.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
I am hoping that by using my morning energy to report on the previous day's happening in my baby world I can be more present and enjoy the experience more. So to report first on yesterday's happenings. It was weird to go to the studio with no hard and fast "to do" jobs or babies to pack up. My first inclination was to start new babies (my greatest joy) and then I remembered I had promised myself to finish up all the babies with the checking to make sure their strings are tight enough and all glued in place. The idea that I might die with unfinished babies lying around and no one would understand what needed to be done to them before they were given away, caused me to take up that job instead. I do worry about such things.
I got these three happy souls done by lunch time. I am thinking that instead of storing the babies wearing sleepers I will leave them in their bodies so I can start my inspections from the skin out when they are being prepared to go out into the world.
In the box from Amazon were three balls of the fuzzy yarn for making cocoons so I started with the blue one. I am trying to make myself rest after lunch by crocheting. By suppertime I had the cocoon this far along.
In the basket on the floor you can see the pink and white balls for the next ones. I see, now with this photo, that you can see my feet, too! I obviously was thinking whether the blue bag was as big as it should be, and not what the camera saw when I clicked the shutter. I have no pattern for these bags so just began crocheting to see how it comes out. I am using a smaller hook this time as I felt the holes got too big the last time. See?
You can see how the jammy color shows through. I have improved that this time around. Also this time I know how much yarn a cocoon takes (a whole ball) so I am not constantly trying to stretch the yarn to make a whole cocoon. Live and learn is my motto for the day
I got these three happy souls done by lunch time. I am thinking that instead of storing the babies wearing sleepers I will leave them in their bodies so I can start my inspections from the skin out when they are being prepared to go out into the world.
In the box from Amazon were three balls of the fuzzy yarn for making cocoons so I started with the blue one. I am trying to make myself rest after lunch by crocheting. By suppertime I had the cocoon this far along.
Monday, June 13, 2016
I have been so busy getting babies ready to enter the big world for their adventures that I have sadly neglected recording my day's worth of activity. For days I was too tired because of the wrong BP meds but now my body has readjusted to the amount of pharmaceuticals it wants and I have more energy than ever. Also with the days staying light so long into the evening I am tempted to work longer right through the hour I had the computer before dinner.
So to catch up. Last Thursday Werner took the box for C. in PA to the post office containing these babies for her.
This is just a gang-bang shot of them waiting on the photo-table. I did make official portraits of each which you can see in the therapy baby site ( ).
On Thursday the box from Bountiful Babies finally arrived so I was able to start work on C.'s Elsie. I made 2 Elsie babies since L. from Petaluma also wanted one. Saturday morning I took their portraits.
I emailed C. to ask which one she wanted so the blond Else stayed upfront for L which she seemed glad to have.
On Saturday this Elijah had seemed like a lad but on Sunday more of the sweetness seeped though and I could not send the baby in these male-like jammies. She ended up in a cuddly blue sleeper and then because she was so tiny, only 19 inches, I tucked her into one of these cocoons that I had just finished on Friday.
This is not Elsie but the photo does show the cocoon she got to wear for the trip. I was so determined to get her into the box I had picked out for her alone that I totally forgot to photograph her. Evidently my brain-cells quit work at 5:00 and I do not even miss them.
C.'s box with the new Elsie is in the trunk of the car ready to start her trip and I could not justify opening it just to take a new photo. It is now Monday morning and I am vowing to get caught up on various jobs I have let go in the business of last week. First here and then to straighten up the places in the studio that have gotten in disorder. Then, joy of joy, I can pick out the new crew for the week to get started on them. The sun is making its summer efforts, the studio is already warming up, my BP meds are happy in me and I am ready to zoom into the week and you are with me.
So to catch up. Last Thursday Werner took the box for C. in PA to the post office containing these babies for her.
On Thursday the box from Bountiful Babies finally arrived so I was able to start work on C.'s Elsie. I made 2 Elsie babies since L. from Petaluma also wanted one. Saturday morning I took their portraits.
I emailed C. to ask which one she wanted so the blond Else stayed upfront for L which she seemed glad to have.
So on Sunday I rested up from the very good and helpful visit from L. & J. and began to try to prepare the red-headed Elsie for C.
C.'s box with the new Elsie is in the trunk of the car ready to start her trip and I could not justify opening it just to take a new photo. It is now Monday morning and I am vowing to get caught up on various jobs I have let go in the business of last week. First here and then to straighten up the places in the studio that have gotten in disorder. Then, joy of joy, I can pick out the new crew for the week to get started on them. The sun is making its summer efforts, the studio is already warming up, my BP meds are happy in me and I am ready to zoom into the week and you are with me.
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