Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My first job this morning was to prepare the 5 babies for Equinox, our local nursing home, By late afternoon I had the box already for Harmony to pick up and deliver tomorrow. As you can see I need more blanket fabric. One baby, with her own kitten, got the blanket with paw prints. These were all small babies so they fit fine in the polar fleece blankets which are a tad smaller than the hospital blankets from Sandie. I was delighted to be able to use the box from Bountiful Baby!
Then I checked to see how Mary's eyes were. I could almost not believe the left one was again wonky! I added more glue to it, put it where I thought it should be and set her in the sun. We will see how rambunctious she gets at the dolly party tonight and if the eye will slide out of place from her dancing. I wanted evidence that I had them in properly so I took this photo. Now that I see it I not sure the eyes are right. Now the right also looks out of place. I am trusting that all those glue smears will dry translucent by morning.

Got an email from G. in Japan that the box with the babies arrived in perfect condition. Was so glad the customs people did not tear them apart'.
The UPS man brought my calendar proof from Vistaprint. My only error was I thought Easter was in April when it was in March so I had to change out the photos and captions. I also changed the December photo so a much happier baby is shown. It felt good to get that order off and out of the way. I am very eager to show off by sending those calendars out. I have two more babies to prepare for local art giveaways. I am wondering if Mary with her wandering eye wants to take part in one? The idea is that artists place works they have made out on the sidewalks and people can pick up and take home whatever they want. The big day for this action is Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). It was done last year with lots of happy people. This year our local artists plan to join the fun. Maybe Mary too?

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