Saturday, November 28, 2015

I often use this blog to record my successes so I may as well let it trumpet a defeat. I mentioned in the last blog the idea of trying out this poor dwarf  as a flood of art  on my own road. I dreaded the idea of hobbling across the lawn carrying a doll and a cane but was determined to risk stumbling on the uneven ground in order to get another of my artworks  placed in the flood. When I mentioned my idea to WR he suggested we use the car. He offered to drive me down the road. I hated to bother him since I knew that he thought the idea of putting one's art out on the street for free was foolish and did not want to hear that again. However when I looked in the light of day where I would have to walk, I gave in and asked for a ride.

By nine o'clock we were on the edge of the road. I laid the package in the grass just to the side of the road. 

You can see the laughter on the baby's face. I tried to position it so the sun would not shine in its eyes.One last shot before I got back into the car. 

From the house we could see the white of the blanket and from upstairs WR would have have a grand view of it. By lunch time it was still there. WR said a jogger had run by but was watching her steps on the road and did not look around. She did not even look at the ocean, which many people do at this spot. After lunch I got all excited when I saw 4 kids coming down the road. I got my camera ready and like a cat viewing a bird, could hardly wait for the excitement to begin. They were two very young teenager couples. Both girls had eyes only for the boys who were walking on the inland side of the road. No one saw the doll. If it had been a snake it could have bit them.
As it got dark we got back in the car to drive out to pick up the doll. My! she was cold. Her cheeks were like ice. Back home I left her to spend the night in the living room hoping she would warm up. 
Today I got an email from Doric Ball, who I had asked to put other babies in Anchor Bay and Gualala. I did not expect a report from him but bless him this was in my email:

"I left your babies as follows:
1. On the bench outside the barbershop in the Surf parking lot 2. On a large boulder near the sidewalk on the way into the Gualala Arts Center 3. On one of the wrought iron chairs outside the ANCHOR BAY STORE in ANCHOR BAY.
The angel necklaces got passed out to young girls in the clay studio on Friday, and Jane Head took most of them and spread them around town with flyers for the UPSTAIRS GALLERY OPENING Friday and FLOOD THE STREETS WITH ART.
None of them were still there today, so I figure they all found good homes."
So I have Doric and Jane Head to thank for what success my art-action did have.

Last night there was a thump on the porch in the dark and we found the UPS man had delivered a box. Thank goodness it was the fabric to wrap the babies scheduled for Petaluma. Today, after cutting it into blankets, I finished wrapping the babies for Harmony to pick up tomorrow.

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