Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The studio was like a used car lot today. Every one was changing and exchanging bodies. There were moments when I lost track of who's what was where. I no longer could keep track of the original owner. Trey went back to the body he had tried on this weekend finding none that fit him or his attitude any better. At first I had Ching Joy in the pink sleeper and body that the sleeping screamer has on now but I felt the one I had made was too small for him. I went back to using the body from BB. I had forgotten that all four seams needed to be taken in so while Werner napped I worked on the pocket peace doll. I came in to do the seams and the bobbin was mysteriously empty. Some days I can load it so easily and then there is today. In the hassle I forgot to take the gathers in the front of the neck and had to do them by hand so it looks as if he/she had surgery. It really looks like scar tissue.
I wanted to finish off the strings and glue the edges but for some reason I felt everyone should think it over in the night if they were really happy with the body they ended up with.
Since I cannot use the smaller Chinese joints, which only cost $3.80 for 50 sets I have gotten the other ones by Darice. Today I was able to figure out the cost per doll and just for the joints it is $7! It is cheaper to buy the BB bodies when they are on sale for 6, 7, or 9 dollars each. The fabric is heavier and the joints they use are well-made. I hope they can buy them more cheaply than I can. I will have about the same amount of sewing to fix the BB ones to my idea of a baby body but I will have a sturdy body in the end - on both ends.
With the little bit of the afternoon I decided to put the eyes into tomorrows family.
I am hoping these eyes will also settle down. I must have been very tired because these are not sitting right at all. Chanel, is the new doll at the left, then Ching someone and another doll I got in an Bay auction that no one knew its name - not even the seller. There are numbers on the neck flange but so far they mean nothing to me. I have two of that kit but the eyes fit in so poorly tonight I am wondering if we need 18 mm. The eye socket is far from closing. If I have to wait for new eyes I may even put this one aside and pick someone new for the week. The head does look smaller here. Hmmm.

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