Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The biggest holiday news is that in spite of there being no sunshine I did get a photo of Chanel. She is such a sweet quiet baby even though she loves clothes. The cap turned out to be a close enough color match so she sat very still for her photo. I need my sheep rug back. In a week Sweetie and the rug will come home from Gualala Arts and the show.
When I worked on bodies I found these arms too long for this body sleeve. Using the experience of last week when I redid Blaze's full arms, you can see that on the left side I slid the arm up the inside of the body and was able to tie it off there inside. Voila! no unsightly strings on the outside! The procedure shorted the arm sleeve to the right length. All day I stuffed heads and limbs, leaving the glue to dry (hopefully) overnight.
Harmony stopped by to check up on my business stuff. She was holding Nolan when she got the idea of making him head of the orphanage. His gently smiling face makes him look like such a holy person we named him the "Dolly Lama." I want to make him a costume worthy of his new name and position. This assures that he will not be sold or given away but becomes one of the keepers. I tacked together his outfit which needs some hand-sewing but we have our Dolly Lama!

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