Sunday, May 24, 2015

Chanel got her new body today and looked so good in it we tried to find transparent sleepers so everyone could see how great she looked even when she was dressed for bed. Failing at this, it was thus without a sleeper I put her in the chair where I test how babies sit and look in their clothes. I turned around later to see Joey looking at her toenails! She too looks a bit shocked. I need to get her in a sleeper immediately before this goes any further.
Lots is happening with getting the Therapy Reborns out into the world. The situation in New York is going forward with Holly's help. I heard from D. S. that I can post my Therapy dolls on his site so my head is swirling with that effort and what it needs from me. All this business stuff makes me turn to making the pocket peace dolls for my comfort. I would much prefer just laying the babies in the laps of those who want them to bypass all the commercial aspects. I think I need a manager! or at least a keeper. In the meantime I make peace dolls to keep me quiet and steady. Don't you love the new hair style? I am pleased that it makes no mess on the doll or on my floor where all the trimmed yarn scraps go.
By afternoon the sea fog returned so my attempt to photograph the Ching Boy are too dark . I am hoping the sun will burn through today so I can redo this photo and add the other babies waiting to get their official portraits. There was to be another Ching child but the spray on his hair went sticky and would not dry. So I took it, and all his hair! off and will see if I can get the spray to work right. This is the first time I have had this problem so it can be there was something about the vinyl that caused this. I hope it is not indicative of deteriorating fixative. I sprayed four heads at once but only his had this problem.
Yesterday the computer, Google, and the universe decided I could make a blog where I could post only the photos of the Therapy Reborns without all the yak that I include on this site. It is JaneReichhold/ but yet this morning google claims it cannot find it. I had created the site in 2008 and then never used because I had my site to occupy me. Now I needed it and there it was!already established. Yesterday everything worked!

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