Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A photo so you can share the chaos. This is what greeted Mary when she came in the morning.

When Mary and Bob left (we had to call in some muscle) all the big chunks were in place and we had killed a lot of black widow spiders. I never used to have them but evidently they have moved in the last year. My mind is whirling this morning with plans to encourage them to go back to wild outdoors. It is hard to plan "cozy" with the memory of them lurking in every corner.
When planning my spaces in the studio I made an error. I knew the garage was 24 x 42 and had used those dimensions on my plans. Duh! I have 1/2 the garage for my studio so the car gets its half leaving me with a section 12 feet x 42. That has made me revamp my plans! The walls are very bare! As yet I do not see a solution in my mind.

The dollies were finding their new homes.My-Heidi is standing by Jenny's stroller trying to comfort her. Even the tiger nanny is concerned about her anger, sorrow and sense of dislocation. I do have my good chair here (the old one stayed in the living room.) I hope to return to crocheting here today but it is very cold in the studio yet this morning. Yesterday it did not seem that cold. I may have to vacuum the floor again just to get warm.

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