Yesterday I had such a good day making babies that I completely forgot to blog in the evening. So here we are with catch-up. The organization of baby bits before assembly really helped my move. It was a lot easier to make the first baby in this studio than it had been in the old one. I remember how I spent most of that day stopping the job to go find little things like toothpicks or string. Here the three babes are in their trays lined up on the desk by the sewing machine. Jenny Wren is now the keeper of the extra yarns as you can see. She grabbed one of the baby cap looms as her toy for the day. I guess being a keeper of yarns is a somewhat boring job.

I picked a Ching family child because I do love their faces and feel such a connection with the kits, but also because I am not seeing them offered any more on eBay. I had noticed before Christmas that the kits were being offered at around $50.each (instead of the $11 or $15 I had been paying) but were not selling. Not many people wanted a kit for Christmas, but the kits are now re-appearing but not this one. I suppose the market is glutted, I know I have more of them in my backlog than is sensible but I do love that face.

Since I have moved inside I thought I had better start with my new work station. A recliner, the older, bigger one I had left inside is now next to the table on 3 wheels (one fell off) which I had used so much with the beads. The basket on the floor holds the colors of yarn I need for the peace pals. That white space at the bottom of the photo is filled with the two bags of filling. The green mat is to protect the table from spills and scratches which would interfere with the scratches Bu Kitty left there. There are two shelves below which harbor all the bits and pieces it takes to make a doll a real baby. You can see the pink smears of color I use on the faces.

A better photo of Ching ready for his great adventure. By noon I was giving him the cuddle quiz while I waited for WR to come down to lunch. That is the one big disadvantage to using this studio. He walks through it 8 - 9 times a day to get to the kitchen. However I was so happy just rocking and cuddling Charlie Ching that it allowed no impatient ideas into my head.

In the afternoon I was able to make Samantha so she could him from being lonely while he waited to go back out in the old studio to have his portrait taken. Because he had a puppy on his sleeper I tried to give him a small gray animal but it only made him spit because it was not a dog even though it was a pacifier. Samantha found this funny as she sat holding another cap to see if its color was a better match to her sleeper. When it came to putting her into her sleeper the process got interrupted because it was time to put supper in the oven. When I do tri-tip WR likes fresh garlic so I did that too. Then I cleaned my hands with a lemon but on the way back to the studio I saw I had left a second garlic lying on the cabinet so I picked it up to put away on my way. Samantha instantly smelled it and refused any sleeper I offered to put on her. There was nothing I could do to change her mind but go wash my hands again and change shirts so no whiff of garlic got to her. The kitchen is right next to the studio so she was teaching me I must take more care in going from kitchen to this studio.
In case this blog sounds bitchy I want to thank WR for going out to mop up the lake in the studio so I did not have to see and cope with that depressing job.
Back to work. There is Punkin waiting on my help to get him into his body. It is not storming, we have power and I have hope to get him into babyhood soon.
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