Monday, January 4, 2016

Annie is eager to  be on her way to Florida (the studio does get cold at night) so she helped me get her dressed up the trip. She couldn't stop turning her head this way and that so I would admire her new wig. It looks great on her but I was too tired to make a new portrait and replace the one on the web. So tonight she is in her box and it is all my fault. I forgot to get a postal address so the USPS can take her home.

In the morning we had sunshine warming the window and shining on the limbs. Through the viewfinder the reflection of other babies on the shelves showed up better. It was a good feeling to have them observing how they had come into being.
By afternoon, as the next storm moved in on us with its darkness, I was able to get all three of the new babies stuffed and ready for their bodies tomorrow. They will have to wait until better light with the day so I can paint their faces. Here they are, waiting.

 What a merry band of kids ready for their  painted faces. After I took this photo I realized it looked too neat and organized, so I lowered the camera for another shot of the work table with Sweetie overlooking the tools. She is still wearing the funny glasses from BB that make lights look like gingerbread men. I do not know if I can take them away from her or just let her enjoy them until she tires of the magic. She still had her blanket from the night.

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