Thursday, January 28, 2016

The rain came back and washed away all my energy and good spirits. Maybe it was because I felt better sitting by the heater and stretching my sore muscles only gently. I stayed inside, helped WR some with his book (I may be getting photo shop elements again!) and tried to figure out what to do. I had decided to pack dolls in boxes so all the same babies were in a box so it would be easier to find the right one if I got an Etsy order. In my trips into the outdoor studio I found how easily it got damp with the cold so I lugged in the boxes so they could warm up and dry out. I think I will store these babies in the corner until the studio gets warm and dried.
In the meantime I crocheted peace pals. There was a little time in the afternoon when I could have worked on some real babies but I was too comfortable in the warm house. Here is the basket of peace pals. You can see that when I find a combination that works for me I repeat it until all the yarn in that ball is gone. The red-brown pants and the olive green ones are with the compliments of Bambi's Christmas present and the new blue is thanks to an order from Amazon.

After I took the photo I noticed that behind the basket was a the row of dolls looking as if they wanted to play with them. Not tonight kids, it is your bed time. Begging will not make me change my mind.

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