Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I promised photos of some of the newly wigged babies. That is one of the Ching boys on the left on the top shelf. Somehow all my brown wigs seem to fit him.

Juliet fit right into this curly version so easily I never even bothered to brush it for her. Bad Momma.

Elijah fit right into this Dutch boy wig. It sort of ruins his priest aspect, but I feel he looks more like a real boy this way.
This is my Ching T'ein, the first of the Ching boys and the only one with a male package. I think he will be my forever baby. I cannot imagine anyone wanting that on a doll!

In spite of the fact that our well went dry last night, I was able to work on Spirit Child, gluing in her eyelashes and drawing in very nice eyebrows. I found having her stand on the table took up less room than having her on the floor so here she is blessing (so it seems) the new Chinese Sweet & Sassy on the left and a bargain baby from Sandie Unger on the right. The Sweet & Sassy baby was advertised as being very soft to touch. The vinyl feels like any other vinyl but the pieces are poured so thin stuffing it was quite a job. The vinyl had the thickness and flexibility of cloth. I have never had a doll with such light  limbs. I used the cotton-like poly-fill so the they seemed very solid in the end. The eyes did not fit very well and when I poured in the glue to hold them in place, it ran out the eye holes. What a mess. I had plenty of time to clean it up while another plumber tried to fix our well and we did get more water delivered. The 1000 gallons cost $20 and the truck and driver cost $220. Life in modern times. At least there is a shower in my future tonight.
Oh while the very young (20+) boy plumber and walked through the studio to get Werner and the key to the pump house, the guy asked, "What is all this?" "I make babies." I quickly replied and he started to laugh. "I mean I make dolls." and we were both laughing. He wanted to pick Regina up and was startled to find she felt like holding a real child. Another convert.

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