What a difference a day makes! Yesterday I started off my day by making bodies for these three. You can see the differences between their sizes and what I was working with - two medium bodies, one bigger than the other, and one of the biggest bodies. Well what a battle! Nothing went right, I got too hot and finally worked with clothes flung all over the living room. Then the foot pedal on the sewing machine got so hot I was afraid I would burn my foot or a hole in the rug. I would line up the raw edges with the idea of sewing the bodies slowly as best I could. My best was not hardly good enough. Frankly I felt I was doing miserable work but kept doing each next part of the job. Today they do not look bad at all and I am rather eager for the sun so I can photograph their portraits. The wildfires up in Humboldt County are covering us with a smokey fog. At least it is cooler today and I can keep my clothes on.
Also yesterday a box arrived with the limbs for Cookie which I had won in an auction on eBay. To my great disappointment someone had attempted to paint her and wisely gave up. The outside layer of her skin was stiff with those oil paints that had been baked into her. I could easily see why someone put her up for sale for only $8. For several hours while I worked on the crew I sank into an ever deeper depression. Even chocolate could not pull me out. After I finished the crew, and could see there was no way to get good light to photograph them, I picked up Cookie's head. First I scraped away some of the mouth painting and then was able to get new brighter colors to stick and finish the inside. Why people think Burgundy is a color for Caucasians' mouths and lips I do not know. Looking at the photo I feel I got the lips and tongue a bit too bright a red, but plan to tame that down today. Then I put eyes in her and suddenly she did not look half bad. The box from Dolls by Sandy also arrived and in there was a wig that fit her perfectly. It did not even need to be thinned. While resting and rocking Cricket I noticed that I had climbed out of my pit of depression. Cookie would be baby I could make! I did her finger- and toe-nails and suddenly loved her as much as I did her sister I made in April,
So today I sewed a body for her. First I must finish Kameko so I can pack her in her box for the trip to Tokyo tomorrow.
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