Tuesday, August 4, 2015

As I promised, here is a better picture of Regina's hair. To me, nothing in this photo looks "dolly-like" but that could be because I really love Regina. When I pick her up and feel her extra weight, I think, "That is what I love about her - this is real."
This success got me on a wig path today that involved playing with the babies until noon. I would try out various hair styles and then be inspired to try on other outfits. First into my lap was Big Ben.
You see I have changed my set-ups so Big Ben gets the animal print to go camping with his Daddy (whoever that will be). I love the reddish color of his hair but I think his tongue is too red. I think I can fix that tomorrow. Out in the studio I decided to use all the available wigs on babies I am keeping. Often when I order a certain wig for a baby I will also order two or three in other colors. I always pick the blonde wigs so I have all these other colors in the basket. All the rest of the morning I had a play-time with the babies but forgot to photograph the results.
All this was because I was missing Ming-Yen so much. Finally I took her sister down from the shelf just so I could pretend Ming-Yen was here. Her sister had gained weight! Now I know where all those chocolate chips have gone! I did not think I had eaten that many! She knows! Her little tummy shows what will happen to me if I keep nibbling away on them. I put a larger sleeper on her and gave her the blonde wig. Somehow I feel the Chinese girls, of this kit, look better, even happier, as blondes. I saw on the news that the Ty Beanie Baby company made a new lion in honor of Cecil the lion the poacher in Africa killed so here is our darling with her lion in remembrance of Cecil.

Last night I found more videos on YouTube from the Doll Show in Denver so was able to watch Bean Shanine get Doll Artist of the year for her zombies, aliens, clowns, etc. at The Twisted Bean Stalk Nursery. This morning, to my surprise I looked in the doll buggy and there was this guy.

Somehow the light caught in his iris so there was this glow. I did not know if seeing Bean Shanine's work sensitized me so I was aware of this or if weird alien babies are showing up every where.
I had a hard time finding my way back to work on a new baby so finally Werner gave up to go to town to get the mail in hopes the flowers were there for The Spirit Child. They were! Just the right ones to make her garland.
I think I need a few more pink roses in the garland but WR thinks I have enough here. I called the local florist to find out she does stock artificial pink roses! We will see if Spirit Child and I can convince WR to buy more flowers! I do need to add her eyelashes and draw in her eyebrows. The new nail polish can yesterday so I am set to do that in the morning when my hand is steady.

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