Sunday, April 24, 2016

The sun was peeking through the clouds when I took these photos yesterday morning, but as I look at the contact sheet this morning, it seems as dark as my mood. The new glasses that came on Thursday had a error in them so they had to be sent back to Fort Bragg to be remade. Another two weeks of waiting. That also  meant I could not see the images last evening downloaded from the camera,
so I made a contact sheet so I could pick the ones to show you in the bright light of a new day. The dolls' faces are lovely, as I always think, but the background is really depressing.
Yesterday Werner did go to Manchester and was able to buy dye there because Gualala no longer carries it. He got a beautiful color of baby blue but the cloth was too wet to use on the photo-stand until evening. It is dry now and I am thinking I should retry the shots with that as backdrop. Still, I like the way the baby body pops off the dark background. Maybe I am just incapable of knowing what the right thing to do is today.

That is Kendal, an easy baby to work with. You can see his whole being is focused on posing correctly for me. Today I am wishing my whole world was made of people like him.

Werner, in an effort to help me 'see' the contact sheet, picked this as the best photo of Paul. Somehow I am not pleased with what I see on it.

And here is Candy doing her best to raise my mood, but I see here she has let the rattle slip out of her fingers. I know the sun was shining some of the time because I got this shot of it from across the room as I sat in my chair resting while I waited for it.

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