A lovely rainy morning, with no pressure to be doing photographs at the same time, so it was a good time for Paul to be born. His body was right at the limits of being too small for him but with good wishes and songs of "Zippitity-do-dah" his legs slipped into the cups. Everything is a big surprise to Paulie - here he is amazed that he could see the quail through the door from the bench. He really wanted to get down to get his nose against the glass. He was surprised how the quail all ran away as soon as I bent down to help him to sit up straighter.
It was cold in the studio without the sun so I found myself helping him into gray jammies. I think gray is a very wrong color for a baby to wear - it is better for bankers and folks like that , but suddenly the gray fleece seemed the best choice for him today. After painting his face I put him on the photo stand to wait with Candy and Kendal. He was instantly delighted by the butterfly Candy had. Kendal remained rather blase' about it all. At least you get to see Paul's gray sleeper. Maybe he will grow up to be a banker! You never tell about kids.
I had gotten a new backdrop of white fur from Amazon at a great price ($5 a yard) which I wanted to dye pink but all the Rit they had in Gualala was blue. Now that I look at this gang I am wondering if the Universe knew best and I should dye the fur blue! Hmmmmm.

Because Paul and I had talked so much about the quail, Nolan, who is brother to our Dolly Lama, and is himself in training to take his place if he ever decides he wants to live with Harmony who loves him like a son. He is supposed to be gazing into the crystal as his education, but had today, somehow moved around so he could look out the window and just lean on the crystal. I think he thought whatever he was supposed to be absorbing from it, could come in through his temple (!) instead of having to stare at it. While I was crocheting I heard a rustle and a thump and he had jumped down off the shelf. I ran to him and picked him up so quickly I missed my chance to photograph him. He did look rather undignified lying there on the floor.
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