Saturday, April 2, 2016

Finally today we were able to hold the "getting your body" celebration. The studio was warm and the sun shone in on the bench so no one grumbled about it being too cold to sit model in the birthday suit.

Grace was surprised that she was first, She kept whispering, "Gabe, Gabe," but she was the closest one to my shoulder on the table  so here she. Not only do we have a Grace this week but also a Gracie of whom I am most proud because I colored her myself. 

She is still a little uptight being here at the orphanage, but there is also an AA Kyra to keep her company. I think she will feel better when we get her into a pair of jammies.

Kyra is already feeling at home here with us. I love her hands, though I think her arms need fattening up. I don't think she has been feed carefully enough. She also gets along well with Gabe so I am finding the two of them already getting into trouble together. They egg each other on to see who can do the more daring thing.

I took Gabe's one photo before he got his face painted. While I was working with him I noticed the top of chest, at the collar bone, makes a dip. I may have to resew his body before we are done. I was thinking about that and almost forgot to do his face colorings.

This is little Claire; she is only 10 inches long. I had no jammies that fit her so I took my smallest preemie sleeper and took tucks in the arms and body. I would have shortened the legs too, but the zipper was in the way.  Seeing this photo, I may have to work to find a way to hide the zipper in the next tuck. I think it can be done. Tomorrow the sun is supposed to shine and if it is here in the morning as it is now in the evening I have the best light for portraits.

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