It is better to sublimate than whine about missing a sewing machine. So I cut out 8 bodies at once, which I never do. I usually cut out only the number of bodies the crew needs but with all this time on my shoulders I cut up all the fabric Harmony had given me. At the end of the year she told me she had been running a contest to see who could write down the most things for which one was thankful. She mentioned the contest to me at the end of November and I set for myself the goal of 2016 thanks by New Year's Eve. I made it. And I won Harmony's contest. You can see her write up of it on her
blog which even shows the booklets. The prize was a bolt of any of the fabrics she has created. Since I had picked "vein" as the fabric for the dolls I requested that as my prize.
Here the roll stands at the entrance of my closet and makes me feel so rich every time I open the door. The next time I need to cut out baby bodies, the fabric will come off of this roll. Not only have I earned this roll, I have found a life-altering habit that brightens my days and shines in the dark of sleepless nights. It truly does change the way one views life's happening and daily occurrences. I thank Harmony for the fabric and also for changing my life. I will never be as I was.
Unable to sew the bodies I got caught up on all my email. I would love to show you a photo from Caitlin of Everett but. . . you know. Any how I was so impressed by her photo that I got out my version of Everett and copied her. They say the sincerest compliment is imitation.
The idea of laying the wedding rings on the baby's feet really appealed to me. Caitlin got a better angle on the rings and Ev's little thighs are already fatter.
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