Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I'm here to report success! The new machine arrived yesterday afternoon. I felt it would be so different because it has a small computer in it. I had gone through such hell with my new computer 2 years ago that I still carry the scars on my brain. I made myself read the complete instruction booklet (see it lying to the left) before I even took the machine into the house. By then I was so worked up the sweat was pouring from me, my stomach was upset, my fibro enjoyed acting as if I was having a heart attack and stroke at once. Still I pressed forward and got the bobbin wound and inserted. Discovering the new threading path was so upsetting I, at some level, stopped operating at an intelligent level and simply did what seemed to work and be right. That seemed to set me somewhat more at ease and I was able to sew a sample.

This machine works so much better than my dear old, old Singer. I do not have to turn the wheel by hand to get it to start and when I stop, I was able to set it so the needle stays up. So much less work for my arms and shoulders!
Today I went back, found I had forgotten nothing and was able to calmly sew a couple of bodies. The longer I sewed (naturally) the more control I had over the speed. My foot knew how hard to press for slower speed I wanted. I could reach for the pressure foot lever without looking. The machine purred like a new kitten. I could do it! I am very happy today. I feel as if I have someone by my side doing these old jobs.

Yesterday while WR was in town picking up the package, I could see my photo table and thus wanted to show it to you. This too looks like one of my associates or helpers. All I can say, "thank goodness for Amazon boxes." Now I have bodies to assemble so will disappear into our foggy mist to go to my studio.

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