Wednesday, October 21, 2015

On my way to the studio this morning, as I went through the garage I saw this on the floor that I am sure was not there yesterday. To me it looked as if a very large centipede had met its end. The marks to the left look like stomach segments. To the right it looks like the footprint of a lizard who stepped in centipede goop while having a midnight snack. I know we have a resident alligator lizard family in or under the porch. I welcome them being my watch-dog for insects. Many years ago, when my studio was a ceramic workshop I had many spiders for a long time. Then all at once they were all gone. Many days later while, sweeping up rain water that had leaked in, I found, under an overturned bowl, the big old granddaddy of the lizard family. I gently helped him go outside. Enough about the wild life.
I finished first preparing the babies that will go to Point Arena. Tommy was the last one. I took the time to iron the outfit and it looked so much better.

I asked her if she had seen the death battle of a lizard and centipede. Here you can see her girly response to bugs and lizards!
I kept looking at the corner where the Blonde Blaze always sat as she kept her eye on me, and everyone else, while I worked. She was no longer there and I missed her so much that I got out another Blaze kit, put it in a tray in line with the others.

I feel so much better knowing that in a day or two this sweet face will be back on the shelf with me. I stuffed the limbs and heads of the other three on the crew. Would love to make tomorrow body-giving day but Mary comes to clean.

As I was wishing the babies good-night I saw Eli was not spending the night alone. He had his puppy. Mr. A wrote that the puppies arrived yesterday in New York and every one was very excited about them. Already they were being given out. Little does he know I still have one here for Eli.

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