Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I knew this was happening today - the dolls for Japan would be mailed off and there would be a big empty place in the studio. So I saved Blaze, hoping her eyes would be glued in place, and that she, with her kind, gentle face would get me through the day.

She was properly concerned and went together with no problems. even her eyes stayed on place. We found a really cute, soft sleeper for her in the new pile and she posed her very best. Not good enough for the deep hole I slid into. The box from Bountiful Baby arrived with new hands for Lefty so I tried to find my joy in him. I even gave him a new sleeper to show off his matching hands.

He was so thrilled with the jammies and the Santa that I could not get him to sit in place with his hands out. He is a sweet little guy and very soft and cuddly now. I put his pink striped jammies on Blonde Blaze but that still does not make her the one I miss so much.
In a final attempt to find peace I took a long nap in my chair so felt somewhat better afterwards. More than a nap I wanted chocolate but there is the scales in the doctor's office on Friday.  I was able to assemble the new brown body for the monkey who had been wearing cheetah fur and mostly get him in it. I need help tying his neck on. For some unknown reason it keeps slipping off. I need to knot the string on tighter. Tomorrow I may be tougher.

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