It seemed that my whole day went into this box. I finalized the puppies and wrapped them in their new blankets which made very nice packages for mailing. In the bottom of the box are Dieter and Gloria. I had no trouble saying goodbye to the dogs but parting from the kids was terrible again. By noon I had the box closed and then I tried to make the mailer with I must have entered the information 15 times and each time it would fail to flip to the next page for billing and printing. I could have gone postal! I am ashamed how angry it all made me.
The weather was as google predicted. The fog rolled in making our day cloudy and nicely cool again. In an attempt to settle down to work again I came in to photograph the three babies I had ready. Holly is still in her tray waiting on me to find my good mother soul to bring her into being.
I automatically picked Punkin 4 first because it is so easy to relate to him and his kind. Those sleepers are fleece which felt very good today and it was a joy to cuddle him. I see I should have picked this photo. Here his open mouth looks slightly smaller. Maybe I should try again. How could I miss that?
Once while resting in the morning I tried to find smaller jammies for Jimmy but this, the only pair for boys, is now too small for him. I really need to go shopping for new sleepers, but the lady I like to buy from is not on eBay and did not answer an email. I was sorry to put him in grey but it was either these or pink ones.
I am so thrilled with Jimmy's merry being that I may make another bid on a kit of his kind. I had been ignoring them since I was so unhappy with Cindy and had sworn not to buy another. He even makes gray sleepers look great. What a cheerful child.
By the time I got to Blaze Dear everything I had was aching and I did not notice the bit of her blue body showing at her neck. As soon as I came to photograph the sun came through and I had to move everything to make my own shade. One would not know the sun was blazing down on us when this was shot. She has such a gentle, quietness about her. It feel unable to be upset about anything when I look at her. She spreads out peace like a wide pool. Here I am already doing the write-ups for the portraits in the Therapy Reborns' file when I should be shooting this photo again. This makes me long for my old Photoshop where I could had hidden the blue with a couple of clicks.

I could no longer remember if I had photographed monkey boy with his Santa shirt, but here he is again. I have jeered at doll makers who focus their attention on the part of the picture with their own addition (like the Santa iron-on) instead of moving in on the face of the doll and here I did it too. As soon as I stopped photographing the sun went away to let the fog roll right up to the window.